Post by cato on Sept 28, 2020 13:28:47 GMT
Young people having a few drinks or doing what young people have always done for millennia are regularly denounced by the neo puritanical curtain twitchers of social media as being uncaring monsters who want to catch Covid to spread the disease to all the old people over the age of 25 and take their inheritances. "Uncaring youth will kill granny" is the emotivist sub text to many current media lectures.
Having destroyed thousands of businesses and jobs to save the elderly and vulnerable in March it also looks like the HSE has done almost nothing to prepare for the infamous much heralded second wave of Covid in the next few months.
Our TDs aren't remaining idle though. The Dying with Dignity bill proposed by a Trotskyite Gino Kelly is being debated on Thursday in the Dail. In the middle of a pandemic we may be about to sneak Euthanasia in the back door with barely a nod. The irony of legalising voluntary euthanasia at this time with our national policy of sacrificing so much to preserve life is astounding.
The usual media softening up campaign has begun. The equation of progress with death is something future generations will probably be puzzled by. For all of our freedom and liberation there is a core of sad lonely despair at the heart of our culture.
Post by kj on Sept 29, 2020 8:12:11 GMT
Predictably, Fintan O'Toole has an article on this in today's IT where he promised to help his father die at the latter's request. I haven't read it, and am not planning to, more from Fintan-fatigue than anything else.
Post by cato on Oct 7, 2020 22:49:11 GMT
The first stage of this bill passed in the Dail tonight. Last week's "discussion" ignored the opposition to this giving them 5 minutes to outline opposition to such a major change in Irish law , culture and our approach to dying.
I am struck by the relative lack of debate on this issue. The media and political establishment are as one as normal in being pro this measure or being tepid in opposing it. The catholic bishops issued a statement yesterday which will have zero impact. They made sure it will have even less than usual impact by releasing it with statements on 4 or 5 other issues. The pro life organisations also seem to have no plan to oppose this. As there was no constitutional ban on euthanasia there will be no public vote. I have little doubt sadly a public vote would only be an opportunity to show how compassionate and with it we are and would not oppose this law.
There have been no polls to date on this. I suspect like The Trans laws this serious and ground breaking law will be approved with little or no scrutiny. Like every good Trotskyite Gino Kelly knows you shouldn't waste a crisis. Another nail in the coffin of traditional Ireland.
Post by cato on Oct 9, 2020 12:58:09 GMT
As an addendum to the above. This law is not about Ireland catching up with our liberal peers. The bill itself makes reference to the handful of states Belgium The Netherlands Switzerland and Oregan USA that have authorised this procedure. This is a radical measure which has been abused already internationally and which leads to wider levels of suicide generally ironically.
It is not a cure for "needless suffering" but creates a new culture where euthanasia is an acceptable normal option. We have already undermined life at its begining now we charge into to doing it at its end. I tend not to be conspiratorial but in the context of high health costs how soon will see demands for mercy killing of those who have a low "quality" of life?
This is not cheap scaremongering. Early 20th century Germany had a powerful euthanasia movement among doctors prior to Nazism. Hitler pushed a door that was already ajar when he began his campaign to kill the mentally and physically ill , a programme that is relatively unknown in this Nazi obsessed age of ours.
As we know to our cost in Ireland politicians will promise restricted exceptions, but we will end up with few in reality and a deaf ear will be turned to any abuses .
Post by hilary on Nov 29, 2020 10:18:00 GMT
Post by cato on Jan 3, 2021 19:42:41 GMT
Ireland has been rather relaxed about rolling out the new Covid Vaacines. Journalists who query this are told we want to do it "safely". No one has suggested all our neighbours are doing it unsafely surely? As usual we are seeing another HSE organised car crash in slow motion and no one is suprised/shocked/or even cares.
We get 1.1% of an overall EU vaacine purchase based on our population size. No one in the Irish media has criticised the relatively low levels of EU purchasing to date. It's not the done thing in Dublin 4 to criticise the EU. Still if we can stigmatize teenage couples and party goers as heartless hedonists why can't we pillory unimaginative bureaucrats who may have endangered our vulnerable by their lack of imagination and urgency? Brussels is killing granny now?
Post by Stephen on Jan 3, 2021 21:12:40 GMT
Ireland has been rather relaxed about rolling out the new Covid Vaacines. Journalists who query this are told we want to do it "safely". No one has suggested all our neighbours are doing it unsafely surely? As usual we are seeing another HSE organised car crash in slow motion and no one is suprised/shocked/or even cares. We get 1.1% of an overall EU vaacine purchase based on our population size. No one in the Irish media has criticised the relatively low levels of EU purchasing to date. It's not the done thing in Dublin 4 to criticise the EU. Still if we can stigmatize teenage couples and party goers as heartless hedonists why can't we pillory unimaginative bureaucrats who may have endangered our vulnerable by their lack of imagination and urgency? Brussels is killing granny now? Or maybe Brussels is saving us all! NB: Only bigots, homophobes, anti-Semites and racists want to kill Granny! Wake up Fascist!!!!!
Post by hilary on Jan 4, 2021 14:24:50 GMT
Thanks to the Irish Megaphone for sharing this excerpt from a longer conversation between James Delingpole and Laura Perrins. She's an Irish woman barrister, Catholic, stay at home mother and co-founder and writer with the Conservative Woman in London. Very down to earth and funny. A tonic for me at the moment anyway! youtu.be/MuLThRoD8QI
Post by Tomas on Jan 5, 2021 16:21:48 GMT
Thanks to the Irish Megaphone for sharing this excerpt from a longer conversation between James Delingpole and Laura Perrins. She's an Irish woman barrister, Catholic, stay at home mother and co-founder and writer with the Conservative Woman in London. Very down to earth and funny. A tonic for me at the moment anyway! youtu.be/MuLThRoD8QII liked their chat here, and wish much more of such easygoing things could be transmitted via youtube and other widespread fora. If they forbid people to meet in person in pubs and enforce a semi-permanent police state as the silly new normal, we would be better off meanwhile at least to be able to hear normal people discuss the madness over the internet, even as a poor but still good substitute to emptiness. If more people learn that the Rulers are not as omnipotent as they pose it might even be a slight inducement to a laugh now and then. "Oh have you heard, the new emperor was naked again" :-D
Post by Maolsheachlann on Jan 28, 2021 9:30:20 GMT
Post by hilary on Feb 19, 2021 17:16:44 GMT
youtu.be/f74znoHdNhkBishop Kevin Doran has asked the faithful to share this video on behalf of the Council for Life.