Post by Maolsheachlann on Nov 13, 2017 12:49:16 GMT
Excellent post on the Conservative Woman website regarding male silence on the current demonisation of men. www.conservativewoman.co.uk/kathy-gyngell-silence-males/ I recently "unfriended" two Facebook friends because of their persistent anti-male sexism and anti-white racism. They were both enthusiastic supporters of this latest witch-hunt. I didn't tackle them directly, because I don't like conflict. I just gave them the chop. One was one of my oldest real-world friends. (Although we hadn't been in contact for a long time.) However, I would be frightened to post this article on my Facebook page. I anticipate bitter debates with some people I like. And who wants to be labelled a sympathiser with sexual harassers?
Post by servantofthechief on Nov 13, 2017 14:25:25 GMT
Quite simply, before I read the article, I think its at least 50% due to the fact most men are caught in a genuine social trap. If they speak out about being demonised they will immediately look: 1, Weak. 2, Whiny. 3, Delusional to those who have bought into the systemic delusion (only sane man effect). 4, Unappealing to the opposite sex for reasons 1 & 2. 5, Open themselves up for criticism or possible repercussions at the workplace (especially if they have many female coworkers or even the most vaguely trigger happy HR reps or a boss eager to virtue signal to save their own hide). Thats a hell of a laundry list of social consequences to a man's pride, social standing, attractiveness and job all from one single issue. There is a reason why the only men who can talk about such things and get away with it are usually either A) Unemployed or B) self employed, where most of these consequences simply do not apply or have less risk to them. An unemployed man need not fear work related consequences, standing consequences, or attraction consequences because chances are, he's already low on all three by virtue of being unemployed (through his own fault or not) and the self employed man, by virtue of having his own source of income which he can not get fired from can all but negate consequences 1 and 2 by simply doubling down which will actually make him more attractive to women by not, frankly, looking like a little b****. This is why the ones who can usually get away with pointing out this demonisation and shrugging off the consequences are either basement dwellers... or Donald Trump. (The Self made man) Modern Society has so engendered a perfect storm of social pressures to emasculate men and to keep them emasculated that this demonisation was in a way, not only inevitable but almost impossible to fight without a practical rebellion in every workplace simultaneously. Things like Gamergate show us such spontaneous, multifaceted social revolts are possible, moreso thanks to the internet than ever before, and things like the Google memo show us there are people even in industries that seem to be entirely peopled with weaker men (tech industries) slowly going about this. Sadly, however, we have not yet reached the place where most men realise they have more to gain than to lose by rebelling en masse. If it happens before the workforce in the main is replaced with machines, well, that'd just upset all the oligarchs plans.
That said, as to Harvey Weinstein, the deflection back onto men as a whole is an obvious deflection by the powers that be in Hollywood. Its a part of the wider Hollywood collapse and thank God that pit of a city is finally getting uncovered for the Hell it really is. I wouldn't worry. If anything, men just keeping quiet in this instance and not making a fuss about the Weinstein deflection, may actually be a good thing because they won't be adding to the smokescreen trying to cover up whats really going on over there.
Post by Maolsheachlann on Nov 14, 2017 10:55:45 GMT
Two female colleagues launched into some rant about the sexual harassment controversy around me, and how the daughter of one of them had supposedly not advanced in her organization because it was a boy's club. At one point, one of them said to me that the library must be the opposite situation (because men are a minority). I told them with some passion that I wasn't going to discuss the subject, that it would make me too angry, and I considered it to be demonization of men, and walked away.
Regarding servant's comments about seeming whiny and weak, etc....honestly, I don't care anymore. I think it has to be called out. I'm letting it be known as plainly as I can that I won't be on friendly relations with anyone who demonizes men.
Post by MourningIreland on Nov 15, 2017 23:24:41 GMT
I speak up all the time about misandry. I'm sick of it. But I understand completely the reasons men who are not financially independent remain silent. Ireland, however, is filled with affluent men who need to man up and start telling the truth about misandry. Their silence about this, and many other things, is the main reason we are losing our country. Soon it will be too late.
Post by servantofthechief on Nov 16, 2017 15:17:14 GMT
I speak up all the time about misandry. I'm sick of it. But I understand completely the reasons men who are not financially independent remain silent. Ireland, however, is filled with affluent men who need to man up and start telling the truth about misandry. Their silence about this, and many other things, is the main reason we are losing our country. Soon it will be too late. I do wonder what will become of the men who do eventually speak out. The Irish media is craftier than their swamp monster brethern in other countries. Just take its approach to the National Party and its very outspoken leader (Whose accent, I am happy to say, couldn't sound more 'provincial' if he tried and even took me a few minutes to get used to despite growing up with incomprehensible border brogues my whole life), if they find they cannot shame you into silence and cannot intimidate you with witch hunts like they do to wrongthinkers as we have seen in the Irish media landscape recently, they will simply pretend you don't exist. If the American media had of done this to Trump I would wager serious money he was likely to have lost that election. Turns out the easiest way to deplatform somebody is simply to ignore them. Average working class scrubs will be laughed at for being 'low class' and then ignored. Middle class scrubs who aren't domineered by their wife (or worse, their wife's friend circle, please God let that just be an American thing) will be laughed at, lose their jobs, laughed at again and then ignored if they keep doubling down. If anyone high class, or otherwise self employed (an Irish Trump, or some other figure, or even an unrepentent political figure like the leader of NP) will be laughed at, ridiculed, witch hunted and if they persist, ultimately ignored and its good as killing them. I am not making excuses for the men here. When I said 50% of their reasons for not speaking out were justifiable fears of serious repercussions, the other 50% I will admit, is cowardice, engendered in them or otherwise and I am not excusing myself here either. The problem here ultimately is logistics and getting the word out. I would wager there's easily a million men or more in this country sick to the teeth of the way things are going, but feel genuinely isolated (a problem I have well enough experience in being a monarchist, it really does feel like you're a weirdo in the wilderness at times until you see someone else) When the most influential of people meet this media guilotine and are effectively silenced, relying solely on grassroots organisation and social media (which CAN work wonders but requires so much support to work) these isolated pockets feel like they have their isolation reinforced, as they see these outbursts then they are suddenly silenced and never really heard from again by either surrounding media or people. There needs to be something to help people realise they are not alone but it is very hard to break through the perception barrier. Another example of this effect is the pro-life marches in Dublin, which are always phenomenal but you will never hear a true word spoken about them, their numbers, their impact, their bloody demographics. And the rest of Ireland is all but blind to what it really was like and believes hardly anyone really supports Life anymore. Like I said, our swamp monsters are craftier than the American variety, I don't know how we're going to break through this. I guess it really will just take constant pointing out of how the demonisation of men is leading to the skyrocketing rate of young male suicides in ireland. I like to point out even during the troubles and the poverty of pre-Celtic Tiger Ireland or even the civil bloody war, never was the suicide rate so high. But I guess the plastic bandits guy said men just need to stop worrying about their inability to fulfil their masculine duties and stop worrying about having nothing to offer a woman. That will fix the pandemic of depression across the country. Delusional -
Post by MourningIreland on Nov 16, 2017 16:51:32 GMT
I speak up all the time about misandry. I'm sick of it. But I understand completely the reasons men who are not financially independent remain silent. Ireland, however, is filled with affluent men who need to man up and start telling the truth about misandry. Their silence about this, and many other things, is the main reason we are losing our country. Soon it will be too late. I do wonder what will become of the men who do eventually speak out. The Irish media is craftier than their swamp monster brethern in other countries. Just take its approach to the National Party and its very outspoken leader (Whose accent, I am happy to say, couldn't sound more 'provincial' if he tried and even took me a few minutes to get used to despite growing up with incomprehensible border brogues my whole life), if they find they cannot shame you into silence and cannot intimidate you with witch hunts like they do to wrongthinkers as we have seen in the Irish media landscape recently, they will simply pretend you don't exist. If the American media had of done this to Trump I would wager serious money he was likely to have lost that election. Turns out the easiest way to deplatform somebody is simply to ignore them. Average working class scrubs will be laughed at for being 'low class' and then ignored. Middle class scrubs who aren't domineered by their wife (or worse, their wife's friend circle, please God let that just be an American thing) will be laughed at, lose their jobs, laughed at again and then ignored if they keep doubling down. If anyone high class, or otherwise self employed (an Irish Trump, or some other figure, or even an unrepentent political figure like the leader of NP) will be laughed at, ridiculed, witch hunted and if they persist, ultimately ignored and its good as killing them. I am not making excuses for the men here. When I said 50% of their reasons for not speaking out were justifiable fears of serious repercussions, the other 50% I will admit, is cowardice, engendered in them or otherwise and I am not excusing myself here either. The problem here ultimately is logistics and getting the word out. I would wager there's easily a million men or more in this country sick to the teeth of the way things are going, but feel genuinely isolated (a problem I have well enough experience in being a monarchist, it really does feel like you're a weirdo in the wilderness at times until you see someone else) When the most influential of people meet this media guilotine and are effectively silenced, relying solely on grassroots organisation and social media (which CAN work wonders but requires so much support to work) these isolated pockets feel like they have their isolation reinforced, as they see these outbursts then they are suddenly silenced and never really heard from again by either surrounding media or people. There needs to be something to help people realise they are not alone but it is very hard to break through the perception barrier. Another example of this effect is the pro-life marches in Dublin, which are always phenomenal but you will never hear a true word spoken about them, their numbers, their impact, their bloody demographics. And the rest of Ireland is all but blind to what it really was like and believes hardly anyone really supports Life anymore. Like I said, our swamp monsters are craftier than the American variety, I don't know how we're going to break through this. I guess it really will just take constant pointing out of how the demonisation of men is leading to the skyrocketing rate of young male suicides in ireland. I like to point out even during the troubles and the poverty of pre-Celtic Tiger Ireland or even the civil bloody war, never was the suicide rate so high. But I guess the plastic bandits guy said men just need to stop worrying about their inability to fulfil their masculine duties and stop worrying about having nothing to offer a woman. That will fix the pandemic of depression across the country. Delusional - This is the 64-million dollar question: I would wager there's easily a million men or more in this country sick to the teeth of the way things are going, but feel genuinely isolatedIf the numbers are as you say, it WILL reach a tipping point, as happened last November in the US. It's hard to gauge numbers though, because we are all so isolated from each other. I do think an awakening is happening in Ireland - I monitor online comments to gauge Ireland's political temperature, and I have noticed a big upswing the last 6+ months of people who are genuinely clued in to the fact that, although the wolf is not yet at the door, we are facing the worst crisis in our national history. The Left has a chokehold on our media/government/schools/quangos currently. This will only change if the grassroots demands it. It is my own belief that the core leadership will have to come from the wealthy and powerful, as it did in the USA. Keep in mind that President Trump is not an isolated buffoon as the media portrays him - this is an image he deliberately cultivates - he is in fact the designated figurehead of a shadow group of wealthy patriots who have been planning a hostile takeover of the Republican party for 20+ years. It will be a long and dirty war, that will succeed ONLY if the American people en masse demand their country back both at the voting booth and on the streets with protests/marches. I believe it will play out the same way in Ireland, if it plays out at all. I think the key issues here are the immigration/homelessness issue and abortion, with the wildcard being an economic shock to Ireland if Trump's tax plan goes through. I have lots of views on those three issues but I will keep it for another time.
Post by kj on Nov 16, 2017 16:57:28 GMT
Post by Maolsheachlann on Nov 16, 2017 16:59:33 GMT
Keep in mind that President Trump is not an isolated buffoon as the media portrays him - this is an image he deliberately cultivates - he is in fact the designated figurehead of a shadow group of wealthy patriots who have been planning a hostile takeover of the Republic party for 20+ years. I didn't know this! It's quite scary to think that, even with such support, he only squeaked in against great odds. And the obstacles he faces even as President.
Post by MourningIreland on Nov 16, 2017 17:06:55 GMT
With respect to the suicide rate, I think this is linked to something broader than the demonisation of men - I think it's directly linked to the normalisation in Ireland of greed and self-worship/self-deification, which has replaced the worship of God; the destruction of the family via demonisation of males is only one part of this larger strategic objective.
Yesterday I experienced the most chilling example of this yet, a woman named Elaine who phoned into the Joe Duffy show; you can read more about it on my thread called "What the Hell is Happening in this Country?" Someone from America who visited Ireland recently commented on another site about the palpable spiritual oppression he felt whilst here. I can't disagree with his observation, and have never felt it more heavily then when listening yesterday to Elaine. I really felt in the presence of something diabolical when listening to her.
Post by kj on Nov 16, 2017 17:07:57 GMT
Any link to the American's observation, please?
Post by MourningIreland on Nov 16, 2017 17:08:22 GMT
Keep in mind that President Trump is not an isolated buffoon as the media portrays him - this is an image he deliberately cultivates - he is in fact the designated figurehead of a shadow group of wealthy patriots who have been planning a hostile takeover of the Republic party for 20+ years. I didn't know this! It's quite scary to think that, even with such support, he only squeaked in against great odds. And the obstacles he faces even as President. Yes, it's a spiritual war unlike any we have seen in our lifetimes.
Post by MourningIreland on Nov 16, 2017 17:11:44 GMT
Any link to the American's observation, please? No, sorry. I gather a lot of data, some of which I keep, but I didn't write this particular one down or copy the link. Youtube comments is one of my main sources, but I also use the comments section at other sites. I have an idea of where I might have got it from though, and will check there and get back to you if I find it.
Post by Maolsheachlann on Nov 16, 2017 17:31:16 GMT
servantofthechief: With respect to the suicide rate, I think this is linked to something broader than the demonisation of men - I think it's directly linked to the normalisation in Ireland of greed and self-worship/self-deification, which has replaced the worship of God; the destruction of the family via demonisation of males is only one part of this larger strategic objective. Yesterday I experienced the most chilling example of this yet, a woman named Elaine who phoned into the Joe Duffy show; you can read more about it on my thread called "What the Hell is Happening in this Country?" Someone from America who visited Ireland recently commented on another site about the palpable spiritual oppression he felt whilst here. I can't disagree with his observation, and have never felt it more heavily then when listening yesterday to Elaine. I really felt in the presence of something diabolical when listening to her. I agree. Demonisation of men is just one aspect of a wider evil...the war against marriage, childhood, motherhood, the family, patriotism, and the organic ties of society in general. Replaced by a mass of atomised individuals who do not think in terms of love, loyalty or service, but always power.
Post by kj on Nov 16, 2017 17:40:09 GMT
I'm always fond of pointing out that barely anyone in the Irish media points out that since the 1990s, when the Church was effectively banished from public discourse and influence, we have seen sky-rocketing rates of suicide, homelessness, drug abuse etc etc. Guess if they did, that would be the end of their career, or they'd be labelled as a crank and written off.
Post by servantofthechief on Nov 16, 2017 18:07:54 GMT
Hang on havent read the whole thread but regarding MourningIreland's point on Trump: I am aware Trump is vastly more intelligent than most people suspect. Part of it is in how he acts, he genuinely does have his quirks and he does have tacky taste (Look Mr. President, its not how much gold you use in decoration, its how you use it, but to each his own household, I prefer silver myself) and his manipulation of the media was absolutely MASTERFUL. I am less inclined to believe he heads a group of wealthy patriots, simply because I distrust almost the entirety of America's Oligarchic class, I prefer the theory of him being a traitor to his class as more likely with a lot of Trumpers of all classes behind him, some opportunists (I suspect Mike Cernovich is one such oppurtunist capitalising on Populsim because he was canny enough to keep his ear to the ground, but I am open to being wrong) and some State players backing him, I know the FBI has been basically been in a civil war with itself over supporting Trump for some time now, hopefully it's now Trump country, because the CIA never will be. I know people like Alex Jones say there are patriots still left in the Deep State (and if they are, they might be the only reason the DS hasn't taken Trump out in an Accident and then went to town on controlling Mike Pence, but lets leave our tinfoil hats aside for the moment) I am currently watching the 'Storm' he has orchestrated that we are watching wreck Hollywood (Praise be to God) which seems to have an ever widening net of implications and knock on effects of which certain people seem to be in on the know of (Tick Tock and all of that) because of Weinstein finally being caught up (I wouldn't be surprised if Weinstein returned promising to confess in a plea bargain given how the rest of the Swamp has thrown him under the bus in that spectacular display in the media all of a sudden turning on him on a penny.
But to get to my point, I agree with you that the leadership in any grassroots changewill come from Ireland's Patrician class (Wealthy Oligarchs, wealthy landowners, a respected family) ultimately almost all popular movements are bar Marxist revolutions (which I classify everything in the French style to modern revolutions, prior revolutions fit the ordinary model, mostly nobles and patricians bickering among themselves or rival claimants to the throne where the revolution was to settle a political and legal question rather than upset the system) not always, of course, sometimes a common man can become a leader, but that exists mostly in fiction. God chooses who He will. But yes, the common man demands change and its usually a patrician who rides the wave to the throne. I just don't know of any candidates in Ireland at present, is there anyone we know who has been noticeably quiet in recent years? That may be a Trump-like holding his tongue. Although I don't know how much good he can do in our system, both our parties are terrible, the Taoiseach can be hamstrung by the Tanistes and while the Senate is mostly harmless (mostly) it can still be a headache unless we get a lot of seanadóirí on board.
If we're changing this, based on the way things are going in Europe, I do not think it will happen through normal democratic means if we want this to happen before Trucks of Peace hurtle through O'Connell's street. What are our generals like? Has anyone any insight on our military?
Sorry massive diversion from the topic at hand, but my mind got ahead of me.